The Little Leaf

This tender account of the life cycles of a leaf is an allegory for all ages. It demonstrates how Divine Providence guides us, and how every stage of life has a unique purpose. Read more…

The Story Of Danny Three Times

Did you ever hear of a boy named Danny Three Times? His parents had to say everything to him three times or he just did not listen. Read more…

Around the Year with Joey- An Adventure through the Jewish Calendar

Enter the fantastic world of Joey and his pals to explore the Jewish calendar as never before! From an opinionated ladybug to a Seder table superhero, the Jewish holiday adventures come in every shape and size in this captivating comic collection. Read more…

Kaleidoscope – A collection of stories

The characters in these stories are so deftly drawn, so real, that the reader can fully identify with their problems and predicaments. Read more…

The Bravest Fireman

Share the dream of a little boy who wants to be the bravest and most hard working fireman on the team. Read more…

Shlomo’s Little Joke

Shlomo’s friend Meir has left a pile of money in a drawer where anyone can just take it! Shlomo is very upset. He wants to teach Meir a lesson. The little joke starts to turn sour. Read more…

Much, Much Better

: 10 x 8.5 inches

Shlomo and his wife, Miriam, live in a bright, tidy house in the ancient city of Baghdad. The couple’s greatest joy is welcoming guests for Shabbat. But one week, there isn’t a single poor or lonely person who can join them. When a mysterious traveler knocks on their door, Shlomo and Miriam treat him royally. Read more…

Shadow Play – A True Story of Tefillah

: 10 x 8.5 inches

During a terrible drought in Eretz Yisroel, two messengers are sent to the great Abba Chilkiya to ask him to pray for rain. Read more…

The Sefer Torah Parade

A young child joyfully attends the special ceremony for the completion of a new Torah scroll and joins in the Torah parade. Every aspect of this special day is explained in full detail, in simple lyrical prose. Read more…

My Jewish ABC’S

: 7 x 10 inches

A brand new way to introduce the English alphabet to your child…using objects that are an important part of a Jewish child’s world. Read more…