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The Sefer Torah Parade

Published Date: January 13, 2017

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Avram Zmora
7 x 10 inches


“Today is a very special day because a new Sefer Torah is almost finished…”

Join two young children as they attend the ceremony for the completion of a brand new Torah and march in the Torah Parade.

Every detail of the experience is lovingly described through a child’s eyes:  the festive music, flags and torches, the silver crown atop the Torah, the singing, dancing and rejoicing.

Even the very youngest child will realize that the Torah is our greatest treasure while reading and enjoying The Sefer Torah Parade.


The Sefer Torah Parade

Written by Tzivia Adler illustrated by Avraham Zmora

ISBN: 978-1-945560-98-9

Softcover / Ages 2-5 / List Price $12.00


Available in paperback POD edition from Amazon.

Hardcover edition – Published 2005:  ISBN: 978-1-929628-91-9 / LCCN: 2016953271 Out of Print

Softcover edition – Published 2024: ISBN: 978-1-945560-98-9  List price $12.00


Author Information

Coming Soon.

Illustrator Information

About the Artist:


Albert Avraham Zmora is an Israeli illustrator and animator who has worked on numerous Jewish books and films for children.

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