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There’s a Reason Why

Published Date: November 3, 2016

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Glenn Zimmer
8.5 x 11 inches


Our story begins with questions and no answers.  A young boy’s best friend seems to ignore him and disappoint him all day long!

Why does Shua leave without saying goodbye?  Why doesn’t he pick up the phone?  Why doesn’t he come to play in the park?

In this large, full color picture book, our inspiring hero stays positive and refuses to judge without having all the facts.  In spite of his confusion, he decides to be dan dan l’kaf zechus and give Shua the benefit of the doubt!

Being dan l’kaf zechus takes practice for adults and children alike, and it’s never too soon to instill this fundamental Torah value!

The reveal of Shua’s “reason why” will surprise and delight families and children ages 4 and up.




There’s a Reason Why

Written by Freidele Galya Soban Biniashvili

Illustrated by Glenn Zimmer

ISBN: 978-1929628-90-2 / LCCN: 2016947623

Hardcover / Ages 4 & up / List Price – out of print

Available in paperback POD edition from Amazon

Publication Date; November 2016

Author Information

About the author:


Freidele Galya Soban Biniashvili has been writing ever since was young.  Her articles and poems have appeared in various publications and she is the author of Goldie and the Guests (Israel Bookshop Publications).  A second-generation Canadian, she lives in Toronto with her husband and children.

Illustrator Information

About the artist: 


Glenn grew up, pencil in hand, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  After graduating from The Art Institute of Philadelphia, Glenn worked as a layout artist and corporate art director for prominent advertising agencies.

Glenn has taught painting and drawing at Cabrini College and illustration at The Pennsylvania College of Art and Design. He is member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators and the Bucks County Illustrators Society.

This award-winning artist has illustrated a series of educational readers for Compass Publishing.


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